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Arizona CTE Core Values
Posted On: 4/26/2017

  1. Strengthening expectations for challenging academic and technical rigor in Career and Technical Education programs. 
  2. Increasing partnerships with postsecondary community colleges to provide a smooth transition in all Career and Technical Education program areas.  
  3. Investing in professional development for Career and Technical Education teachers to result in positive outcomes.  
  4. Maximizing career development opportunities for students at all instructional levels through increased collaboration with academic teachers.  
  5. Expanding community partnerships with business and industry to develop a premier workforce preparation system.  
  6. Preparing students for high wage/ high demand occupations and career pathways to enhance the competitive edge and economic development of Arizona.  
  7. Promoting the Arizona Workplace Standards for all students.  
  8. Showcasing innovative and exemplary practices in quality Career and Technical Education programs that include the following elements:
      • Industry validated curricula
      • Integration of academic skills
      • Work-based learning opportunities
      • Articulation with postsecondary
      • Industry partnerships
      • Leadership and personal development